Medela Australia
Our goal is to give mothers and babies the best possible support for a great and long-lasting breastfeeding experience.
We live in an ever-changing world in which technology has modified our lives dramatically over the last decades. However, one thing that has not changed is the unique quality of breast milk. Not even the best artificial formula can compete with the beneficial properties of breast milk. Formula may provide nutrition, but breast milk has unique developmental and immunological benefits and increases the bond between mother and baby when breastfeeding.
Medela values this unique time in the life of a mother and her child. Therefore we have invested in continuing research to learn more about breastfeeding and this fascinating “liquid gold”. Working with researchers from around the world, we have intensively studied how breastfeeding works. From the anatomy of the lactating breast to the mechanism of milk removal by the baby, we have conducted extensive research to help us best support mothers in maintaining breastfeeding for as long as they wish.
Double and single pumping breast pumps with research-based 2-Phase Expression technology, innovative feeding solutions and many accessories support mothers through challenging breastfeeding times.
Contact: 1800 787 345