Child Abuse Prevention & Education Australia
Kristi McVee is a former Detective Senior Constable & specialist child interviewer, having spent 10 years in the Western Australian Police Force. When she retired from the force due to PTSD, anxiety and depression, Kristi knew from all she witnessed there was a better way to help. By taking a proactive approach, rather than a reactive approach, Kristi felt she could help prevent child abuse and break the cycle of trauma that victims are so often subjected to. Kristi founded CAPE-AU in 2022 after spending a decade investigating child abuse cases where she recognised that parents needed the knowledge and education she had collected in the police in order to protect their children. Through this Kristi believed if she could teach parents what she knew, many more children would be safe and parents, carer’s, children and communities would be empowered to speak up and speak out about child sexual abuse. On leaving the Police, Kristi wrote her first book, Operation KidSafe – a detectives child abuse prevention in which she shares strategies and age appropriate advice on child abuse prevention.
Contact: 0438990422
Website: https://www.cape-au.com
Email us: admin@cape-au.com