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Toward Wellbeing

Toward Wellbeing

Rachel is a Registered Psychologist, mother, parenting expert and author of two internationally published books, “Teaching Kids to be Kind” (Skyhorse) a parenting book focusing on how to encourage kindness and compassion in children and “A Blue Kind of Day” (Penguin) a picture book about the sensory experiences of depression in children.

She has worked in a variety of fields including; play therapy, education settings, children’s residential programs, women’s refuge’s, torture and trauma counselling and family support programs. She has presented at conferences, delivered work-shops and guest lectured on topics such as trauma, play therapy, and relationships.

Rachel is a sought after expert for print and broadcast media on topics such as parenting, child development and relationships.



How to get Your Child to Listen Without Shouting, Bribing or Giving In

At some point every parent is likely to struggle to get their child to listen to them. Do you ever feel like you have to constantly shout in order to get your message across, perhaps you have started offering treats… Continue Reading >

Stop Saying “No” To Get Your Child to Listen Better

Ever feel like you are stuck in an endless cycle of, no? “No Sammy, get down from there” “No Imogen put that down” “No hitting” “No, no, no, no, NO!” It is incredibly easy to get stuck in this loop,… Continue Reading >

Why it’s Important Not to Rush and Fix Our Kids Feelings

“You’ll be ok!”, “Don’t cry, its alright”. These are human responses to our children when they are upset. They are well meaning phrases that can pop out of our mouths automatically, they come from a place of wanting to protect… Continue Reading >

4 Signs You’ve Started Toilet Training Too Soon

Knowing when to start toilet training can be complicated. There is no single sign that tells us when our little people are ready to start this process, and in certain cases for even those children who are ready to start… Continue Reading >

5 Tips to Help Kids Feel Happy

As parents, we all want our children to be happy right? Firstly, let’s be clear that children (or even us adults) cannot be happy all of the time. We experience a vast range of emotions, all day, every day…which is… Continue Reading >

How to Support Your Child Through Separation Anxiety

Does your child start crying or throw a tantrum when you need to leave them? This can be absolutely heart wrenching and distressing for both of you. It’s important to know that separation anxiety (distress at the point of separating… Continue Reading >

Emotion Naming Games for Children

Children who have a firm understanding of their emotional experiences are more able to regulate and express their feelings in healthy ways have more positive relationships, are better prepared for learning and also have higher self-esteem. When a child struggles… Continue Reading >



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