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Interaction Disability Services

Interaction Disability Services

Interaction Disability Services was founded in 1979 by a group of parents. Their aim is about maximising the responsible independence for people in Western Sydney with an intellectual disability.

Early efforts focused on the transition of people from their family home, into an intensive skill development program sup-ported by families and volunteers. Empowering people through education and community networks, people were then transitioned to independent accommodation with minimal assistance.

From these humble beginnings, Interaction expanded to provide the following services annually to over 550 children, adults and their families: State funded accommodation support; flexible/combination respite; behaviour/specialist intervention; in-home accommodation support; case management and local coordination; learning and life skills development; recreation and holiday programs.

Being person-centred, we work alongside people and their NDIS plans to identify their better life now and their future goals and aspirations. Our flexible approach means we represent and resource people with personalised services.



You Don’t Have to Feel Awkward

You don’t have to feel awkward when talking to someone with intellectual disability. Did you know that more often than not, you are more worried about what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it, than the… Continue Reading >

Sensory Rooms and Autism

What is a Sensory Room? A sensory room is a purpose-built space designed to help individuals develop and regulate their reactions to external stimuli. They are a multi-sensory environment designed to provide essential therapy for people with disability and sensory… Continue Reading >

Caring for a Family Member with Autism

While care for someone with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be provided by professional services, in-home support carried out by family members is still very common. If you are currently caring for a family member with ASD, there are a… Continue Reading >

What is Prader Willi Syndrome?

Though you may have never heard of it, Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a rare and complex genetic condition affecting roughly 400,000 people worldwide. PWS is non-inherited, and linked to the deletion or incompleteness of genes on the 15th chromosomes. This… Continue Reading >

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder

Around 1 in 100 children are affected by autism spectrum disorder (ASD), with boys three times more likely to have autism than girls. To understand ASD, it’s important to know that no two people with autism are the same. Characteristics… Continue Reading >

Does My Child Need Behaviour Support?

Parenting can be tricky, even more so if you have a child with special needs. Knowing how to handle concerning behaviour is not always straightforward, and sometimes there can be the need to reach out for help. There are many… Continue Reading >

How Do I Explain My Child’s Diagnosis To Other Siblings?

There can be many and varied life adjustments when one of your children is diagnosed with a disability. When you have other children as well, a flood of questions or thoughts often start to come in your own mind like:… Continue Reading >

Communication for Children with Intellectual Disability

Communication is an essential part of all of our lives, day to day. When a child also has a disability, this can at times have an impact on how they communicate with the people in their lives and in turn,… Continue Reading >

Supporting Learning Styles for Parents with Intellectual Disability

National Child Protection Week 2019 celebrated the theme that children thrive when their parents are supported. In helping to celebrate this theme, Interaction Disability Services shares some of the many types of support and training that can help a family… Continue Reading >

What is a Sensory Room?

Whilst general day to day hustle and bustle are second nature to many of us, to people with sensory needs or a learning or developmental disability, what we take to be ‘everyday’ can be absolutely daunting for some. A sensory… Continue Reading >



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