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Connected Parenting

Connected Parenting

Parent Educator and Obstetric Social Worker at the Mater hospital in Sydney and also a mother to four beautiful boys, Genevieve is passionate about working with families around connection and attachment with their children from birth to five years.

Gen assists parents to filter out the noise and find the parenting rhythm that works for them.

Gen has a Bachelor of Social work (BSW) at UNSW, is a Circle of Security Facilitator, a Tuning in to Kids Facilitator and has a Grad Dip. in Grief and Bereavement Counselling.

With 13 years on the ground raising four kids Gen understands the challenges parents face first-hand.

Genevieve is passionate about helping families adapt to the modern parenting world and all its challenges and not only survive but thrive.



Starting BIG school

Parent Educator and mum of four, Gen Muir shares four tips to help prepare your little one for the beginning of their school journey.   All around the country parents and kids are gearing up for the start of a… Continue Reading >

Kids not listening? How to talk so that your kids can hear you.

As a mum of four boys. Believe me when I say I get it when people say their kids are not listening. Some days I feel like I tell one of my kids to put their shoes on 17 times… Continue Reading >

Sibling struggles – five tips for reducing the impact of siblings fighting in your home.

Most parents will be familiar with the sound of siblings fighting, bickering and squabbling; it often fills us with dread and we all want nothing more than for our kids to please just get along! One of the greatest hopes… Continue Reading >

The Art of Saying Sorry to Your Kids

How we all make mistakes as parents and repair is what’s needed to get us back on track. Sometimes as parents, despite our best intentions, we get it wrong. We yell or snap at our kids. We ‘dig in’ for… Continue Reading >

Sticks and stones may break my bones….. How to talk to your kids about friendship fires

We all know the saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”. This is the old school approach to dealing with conflict or ‘friendship fires’ between kids which when you think about it, is… Continue Reading >



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