Why do we burp babies and why is it so important? Babies need to be burped during and after breast and bottle feeds as they are unable to get into a position by themselves to bring their own burps up…. Continue Reading >
Your first Christmas with your baby is a wonderful opportunity to create new family traditions that can last a lifetime. While your little one may not yet understand the significance or remember these early experiences, they’ll still enjoy the joy… Continue Reading >
Preparing for and giving birth during this pandemic has been stressful for many new parents. Navigating the changes to hospital policies regarding the number of support people present in labour, number of visitors as well as shorter stays after the… Continue Reading >
Tummy time is one of the most important activities you can do with your new baby. Tummy time is best started from birth and in the early days it may be on your chest when you are lying down. Your… Continue Reading >
Demonstrating a loving, healthy relationship to your children is one of the best gifts you can give them. What you both role model now is what they will see as normal and how a loving relationship should work, so it… Continue Reading >
Babies and young children are more vulnerable to the risks associated with hot weather, they can overheat and dehydrate quickly. Babies can’t tell you how they are feeling, when they are too hot for instance, therefore they are at more… Continue Reading >
First Christmas: Your first Christmas with your baby is a great time to start new family traditions. Your baby won’t yet understand the significance of Christmas and won’t remember these early experiences well however they will enjoy them at the… Continue Reading >
During pregnancy, the focus is on the birth of your baby, which is very important but after that, you’ll have your baby to care for 24 hours a day and there is a lot to learn -you don’t really know… Continue Reading >
Reading to your baby from an early age is beneficial for many reasons. In fact, it is never too early to start, some parents start even before they are born, reading to their unborn baby. It is never too late… Continue Reading >
Did you know that button batteries are one of the most dangerous things in your home? Unfortunately, in Australia around 20 children go to hospital every week due to ingesting button batteries. These tiny shiny objects look like a shiny… Continue Reading >
For some babies teething seems to be an almost painless process where a parent notices a tooth and there have been no symptoms of teething prior to this. But for many babies there is some pain associated with teeth cutting… Continue Reading >
Weight gain: In the few days after birth, it is normal for your baby to lose up to 10% of their birth weight. Healthy babies that are feeding well will usually get back to birth weight by 2 weeks of… Continue Reading >
One of the most difficult things for me as a new mum was knowing when my baby was tired and when to put her down into her cot for sleep. This was before I became a midwife or maternal and… Continue Reading >
That first year of your baby’s life goes so quickly, their fast rate of growth not to mention their development is astounding. Babies usually progress from crawling to independent walking somewhere between 11 months to 18 months of age. To… Continue Reading >
The reality is that newborn babies generally need to feed every 2-4 hours and this is all day and all night. They have small stomachs and their milk is digested quickly so they need to refill. Many babies will wake… Continue Reading >
Babies and toddlers love watching screens, couple that with the fact that there are screens everywhere now and the result is often too much screen time. Many parents are concerned about the amount of screen time their baby or toddler… Continue Reading >
The world has certainly changed over the past 18 months with many families going in and out of lockdown multiple times. Many parents are caring for their babies and young children while also working from home to help stop the… Continue Reading >
Congratulations you’re having a second baby! As exciting as it is to be pregnant with a new baby, you may feel a little overwhelmed about caring for both your newborn and your older child. Remembering the 24-hour care, feeding, changing… Continue Reading >
Having a baby, especially your first is already a challenging time but during this COVID-19 Pandemic, many new parents are feeling alone and isolated. They are missing out on many of the usual supports such as friends, family, health professionals… Continue Reading >
Becoming a new parent during this pandemic has certainly added some challenges to a time that is already a steep learning curve. For many new parents they have had reduced face to face antenatal visits, childbirth education classes and other… Continue Reading >
There are times when you may need to give your baby some medication for a variety of different reasons and this can be quite challenging. If you think of it from your baby’s perspective, they have only ever tasted breastmilk… Continue Reading >
Smoke from the bushfires is seriously affecting air quality right across Australia at present. Even those not close to any actual fires are having periods of poor air quality and increased smoke inhalation. Babies and young children are at particular… Continue Reading >
So, your beautiful new baby is sick and you’re not sure if you should see the doctor or not? Afterall you’re still getting to know her but being that she is so small and precious… The bottom line is that… Continue Reading >
What all pregnant women need to know about CMV… What is CMV: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common virus which comes from the herpes family of viruses. It is the most common infectious cause of disability in babies. 1-2 babies… Continue Reading >
Deciding when and how to move your toddler from their cot into a bed can be a confusing time. On one hand it is exciting to see them progress into a ‘big kid’s bed’ but on the other hand you… Continue Reading >
The phenomenon known as forgotten baby syndrome or fatal distraction, occurs when a parent unknowingly leaves their child in the car, usually because of a short-term memory overload, change in usual routine or extreme exhaustion. Every year we hear the… Continue Reading >
A midwife or doctor will give your baby a full physical examination soon after birth, they will do a thorough examination of the hips to make sure that they are not stiff to examine, do not fully dislocate or click,… Continue Reading >
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