Julie Fisher
Julie Fisher is Mum to 3 boys, Caleb, Blake and Darcy and author of The Unexpected Journey and The Magic of Inclusion.
Her first book shares her family’s journey with their youngest son Darcy who lives with Down Syndrome. Julie shares the highs and lows of their journey and also tells of the inclusive activities Darcy attends as well as the supports he receives.
The Magic of Inclusion is Julie’s story of how important it is for people to feel accepted and included in every day life, including trips to the supermarket.
She shares stories of advocating for her son as well as her experiences and those of some of the people she knows. Darcy is part of some wonderful inclusive activities and she tells about these and about the strategies she uses so he is able to be given a chance.
Julie’s quote is ‘Give People A Chance And Watch Them Shine’. She wants people to know it’s ok to give people a chance even if they need assistance because when you see them trying and being able to have a go, it’s a wonderful experience.
Julie’s passion is to raise awareness and to assist families with advocacy and any support they may be needing.
Website: www.juliefisher.com.au