

The COVID-19 era has brought about a wide range of situations and scenarios that we never ever thought possible.

To begin with, the thought of having to assist your children’s teachers by observing your child at home during homeschooling sessions would most definitely be close to the top of many parents lists no doubt.

Did you know that homeschooling was a trend that was on the rise well before the COVID-19 era?

Yep, there were over 20,000 Australian children being homeschooled before the pandemic hit.

So, who better to help you with some homeschooling tips and tricks than a parent who does this every single day.

Joining us today is our special guest Sharon Pegrum, a mother who has been homeschooling her children for the last 8 years.

Whilst homeschooling her 2 boys full time, Sharon has also juggled happy home life and built a thriving business.

Sharon is going to share with us today the pivotal concepts and structure of how she works. These tips no doubt will help you find your flow.


We ask Sharon questions including:

  1. As a parent with 8 years experience in homeschooling, what do you think are the major challenges facing parents at the moment?
  2. What are some of the most typical and common challenges children face when being homeschooled?
  3. How can parents help the children overcome them?
  4. What would be your best advice for someone in their first week of homeschooling?
  5. How do you deal with teaching children of different ages?
  6. What are your best strategies for still working from home or getting a break as a homeschooling parent?
  7. Advocacy groups say homeschooling is the best solution for special needs and disabled students who are finding traditional schools do not meet their needs. What are your thoughts on this?


For Sharon’s full article go to:


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